Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Rating 5

Paranormalcy follows the story of 16 year old Evie. Ever since she discovered her ability to see through paranormal creature’s glamor at age 8 she has worked for the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA), an agency that captures all the nasty creatures that haunt human’s nightmares, the paranormals. Vampires, werewolves, fey, mermaids, dryads, and dragons are a few examples of such creatures.  Although her life is filled with weird Evie has always thought of herself as normal. Then stranger things start happening. Evie finds out that she is in fact paranormal and IPCA has been keeping it from her. Then another paranormal just like Evie, Vivian starts stealing paranormal souls.  Vivian lacks a soul of her own, so she steals the souls of others to “fill herself” and stay alive. Evie has to break out of the center which is more corrupt than she thought and save the paranormal world.
Then in Supernaturally Evie finally starts to have the normal life she has always wanted. However, she quickly discovers how boring normal is. So Evie goes back to work for an allegedly reformed IPCA. With the help of her new friend Jack, and old enemy Reth, Evie discovers the truth about her and Vivian’s origins. She also discovers just how powerful she can be.
In Endlessly the last book in the trilogy Evie is thrust into her destiny, save the entire paranormal world and send the paranormals back to their home. The complication is their home is an entirely different world.

                Personally, I loved these books and may have cried a little at the end of Endlessly. First of all I love how much Evie changes. She starts out a naive teenage girl who is as reckless as she is stubborn. She blindly trusts IPCA and doesn’t stop to consider the feelings of the others. Seeing things through other people’s point of view is something Evie struggles with throughout the story and I was really proud of her on the end when she is willing to sacrifice herself for the good of all.
By the end Evie is mature and responsible. She has a sense duty and how the actions of some can affect people, although her core values never seem to change.  It is that quality that makes her so lovable in the first place. When she is tempted by the desire to gather paranormal souls she never does. The only time she does is in self-defense. Even in the end when she needs souls to essentially save the world she won’t take it from the unwilling and hesitates to take it from the willing.
Most of the characters like Evie do experience tremendous growth which was one of the things I loved so much. Take Reth for example. He starts off as arrogant, and you just want to hate him no matter what he does, but by the end you’re sad to see him go.
It was not only the characters had me hooked, but the plot as well. There was action, light-hearted fun, and serious moral conflicts all wrapped up into one. The first page would have you thinking while the next would have you laughing. This series was a non-stop roller coaster of emotion.  I was sad to see it end but also happy for the characters. I highly recommend it.

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